Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Phew! I was high and tired by the time I hit my bed, and that reminded me that my roomie Anuj was coming back the next morning. And I had to go to the airport to receive him, but of course I wouldn’t be able to get up in time! Hehe…Today was phenomenal, but obviously it could have been much better if people I care about would reciprocate a bit, and forget about the misunderstandings of the past… *gets down to his knees* Please, you are really special to me…But we shall not mention names here!

Ok, focusing on the brighter side- I had a lot of fun and bonding with a lot of other friends, while dancing the mass dance, the dance number and kiss kiss with drama! All the performances, in fact the whole Orientation 2008, was like- WOW! I spent a heaven of 12 hours in school from 11 in the morning to 11 in the night! Yipeee!

First, I helped in the CCA exhibition for Dance and Drama too… Then, some of the dancers(including me) rehearsed the mass dance singles! After Lunch, we had dance practice but unfortunately, God had rain in store for us when it was time for blocking…So, basically the venue of Orientation Campfire was shifted to The Hall, which led Raymond to christen it as The Camp’Fireless’! I can just guess how they (Christians) explained it as the greater good work of The Lord! No offense meant…

After our stunning but draining performances for both AC Dance and Acsian Theatre, we crashed Orientation even though Ms. Yu had asked to go home… But it was so unfair, so I dont care! We(Yup, I was not the only Dancer crashing) had the most amazing time in a long time! Watching videos, acts by the clan heads, photos, singing the school anthem, and lastly, “pushing it to the limit”! Yeah, Mass Dance! Even though I didn’t actually know the couples dance, Pris and Sheryl and Bev(all sweethearts) kind of taught me during the dances. But I wanted to groove and dance with a lot more people ~~~

I was really missing my own Orientation and so, had one, no actually three of the Floats from 2AA1….It helped. I know I make no sense… Haha!

Mohito 8D

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