Friday, March 21, 2008

Feeling blue...

(Found this on someone's blog. It really touched me. Sadly Beautiful)

A rare phenomenon.

I am feeling down and low.
Maybe its you,
Maybe its just me...
Or maybe its the way things were to be.

Sigh, I am a generally happy kid...
I have always looked at life's gifts,
not at what I don't have (how can one look at what one doesn't have?).

But things are way too wrong this time,
this time I am not on a high,
this time I am not doing well,
this time I don't have someone to tell me- it will be ok...

But when did I ever have anyone,
I was always 'the someone', 'the anyone', 'The One'... Sigh!
Then why now this emptiness, this void?
I am unsure, lonely, brave enough to admit I am scared...

It rained today and for the first time,
those heavenly drops didn't lift my spirits up...
Is there something wrong with the heart?
or is my mind playing tricks with me?
I don't know- I am idle and sad as I could be!
Some one save me please, I am falling...

I need a guardian angel, or just a friend.

Sometimes, the inspirer needs motivation too...
Smile. And your troubles will wash away. (thats what I tell everyone)



P.S. Don't worry. Ignore the ranting. Had to vent it out. I'll be back to being my perfect self soon. Haha! :D

1 comment: said...

we're kinda still here for u, u knw...

i haven't seen u much... and I' not sure if that's my fault or not... bt its definitely not an excuse...

u need to talk, we're always here for u... i hope u "remember" that... :P

neway.. take care...