I woke up to an amazing view of the clouds and the plane's left wing (I was on the flight remember?)! And I knew that this is the perfect morning, as will be every other morning here in this beautiful country... And boy, it WAS beautiful! The overhead view of the country was so lush and green and freshening that I was beaming from ear to ear! Ah, but as the flight landed, I had to stop watching Chak De India... But never mind, such a small thing couldn't dampen my spirits... Felt amazing to get out of the plane and the airport helping to unload- felt a bit worthwhile doing all that, and I actually feel good while doing stuff for the company... The weather was perfect- cool yet sunny, not like Singapore pleasant and humid... The company was perfect- ACsian Theatre man! The place was perfect- Jo'berg in South Africa- miles away from home yet so homely... And the timing was perfect- first morning of term holidays! Everything was just that- Perfect! What more could I have asked for?
I knew what I could have asked for when we reached our host school- perfect hosts, when ate our first South African meal- perfect food and when we went back to our hotel Mercure- perfect lodgings! And perfect roomies- Mark, Gabriel and Kester! Super fun had just started! The Jeppe girls were really amazing hosts, both friendly and beautiful! Woohoo! Great start! Okay, I am just kidding- Didn't think of it like that until like now! And the breakfast they prepared for us was heavenly- Cheese buns and juices! I simply gorged upon them, rather everyone of us did!
note to self: I should cut the intricate details or I will never be able to relive my whole journey on the blog... Actually I can never relive it again, but at least i can recount what happened... I will try to be 'brief-er'...
After we had changed and refreshed, we were off to the Lesedi cultural village! Yay-ness! But me being the fool that I am, didn't bring my camera along... And on the first day some more (avoid Singlish!) But before Lesedi, we went to one of the flea markets of Johannesburg. No, they don't sell fleas, rather are the outlet for trademark South-African goods made of stone and animal products... I foolishly again, didn't buy anything, and I have no idea why! The cultural village had really hilarious and friendly guides, who showed us around- all the tribes and their ways. Before the sumptuous dinner, which equated to chocolate sufle for me, we had an entertaining cultural show by the tribals... *I am the bull* (inside joke) Haha, I challenged the host for the traditional stick fight and even fought using their sheepskin shield and buffalo-bone club! Overall, I had a great start to the "perfect" holidays... :)))

attack of the angry South-African bees on our first meal (Burgers for others and Veg. Cheese sandwiches for me! :D)

Gold Team... with the golden boy! (me, who else?)

ripples... Natural Ecstasy! =))

our bus landed in Lesedi the cradle of light!

a walk down the nature's lane...

Mah bruddah from anuddah muddah! B)

And the tribal food... "Beans that thunder the buttocks" !!!
*eternal bliss*
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